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Service 《政府采购协定》(GPA)


Progress in China’s WTO GPA negotiation


As China plays an increasingly significant role in the global economy, the world starts to pay more attention to China’s economic and trade policies than before. The United States, the European Union and other major trade partners of China questioned China’s foreign investment policy and demanded that China accelerate its negotiation on accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) with the purpose of incorporating China into the international framework and ensuring the stability and predictability of policies. Therefore, China’s GPA negotiation has entered a crucial period.



Chinese President Xi Jinping gave a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2018, saying that China will open its door even wider to the outside world and accelerate its accession to the GPA. Meanwhile, China expects developed countries to remove trade barriers for normal and reasonable trade in high-tech products and relax controls on the export of high-tech to China.



Higher level of concern



The Chinese government attaches great importance to the GPA negotiation. As required by President Xi Jinping, the government will invest more efforts in accelerating its accession to the GPA, and China’s Ministry of Finance will continue to revise the GPA accession offer and submit it to the WTO as soon as possible. China will further its negotiation with other GPA members and try hard to achieve mutually beneficial negotiation results at an early date.



The GPA is a plurilateral agreement under the auspices of the WTO that opens government procurement markets between members. The GPA’s membership is limited to the WTO Members that specifically signed the GPA or that have subsequently acceded to the Agreement, and WTO Members are not required to join the GPA. President Xi Jinping’s proposal of accelerating the accession to the GPA demonstrates China’s determination to open wider to the outside world and sincerity to uphold the multilateral trading system.



In April 2018, to instruct and support the negotiations, China’s State Council established a steering group for GPA negotiations joined by 24 departments including the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, etc. Since China initiated GPA negotiations, the government has been revising the GPA accession offer and expanding the scope of opening-up.



The China Association for Promoting UN Procurement (CAPUNP) is taking an active part in China’s GPA negotiation and the formulation of international economic and trade regulations, in an attempt to promote and facilitate global free trade and investment. To help Chinese enterprises, products and services “go global” and push forward a new pattern of all-round opening-up, the CAPUNP is also working with the Ministry of Commerce and some other Chinese government departments.





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