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关于聘请Roger Bhikha先生担任中国联合国采购促进会顾问的事项

日期: 2018-10-23
浏览次数: 308

关于聘请Roger Bhikha先生担任中国联合国采购促进会顾问的事项




鉴于Roger Bhikha先生(美国)在国际采购与信息化领域多年的工作成就,以及对中国联合国采购促进会工作的支持,为更好地推动相关工作,充分发挥专家智库的作用,经研究决定,聘请Roger Bhikha先生为我会顾问,任期2年。






关于聘请Roger Bhikha先生担任中国联合国采购促进会顾问的事项 

All member entities and related enterprises

Taking into account the achievements of many years of work by Mr. Roger Bhikha (United States) in the field of international procurement and information technology, and support for the work of the United Nations Procurement Promotion Association of China, in order to better promote the relevant work and give full play to the role of an expert think tank, the research decision was made to hire Mr. Roger Bhikha to serve as a consultant to the Commission for a period of two years.

Mr. Roger Bhikha, holds Masters in Business Administration and Electrical Engineering, is a Distinguished Lecturer at the University of Hong Kong and Shanghai Jiaotong University. Roger joined Motorola in 1990 and has been in charge of procurement and supply management for more than 25 years, He is also a Senior Purchasing Officer and Business Group MD in Cisco Corporation, and has been responsible for procurement of more than $11 billion of electronics materials annually.

Mr. Roger Bhikha will assist Mr. Robust Wang, CAPUNP Secretary-General in the areas of supply chain finance, blockchain application and information technology in the future.

Notice is hereby given that.

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